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Why Dog Health and grooming go Hand in Hand.

    Dog health and grooming are closely related because this is a perfect opportunity to investigate past the big eyes and the fluffy body. When you groom your dog you get to see down to the skin.
   While grooming your dog you are engaged in a hands on everything project. Even some areas you would just as soon not have your hands on. During this time you can check for lumps, warts, and any other irregularities on their bodies.
   While clipping your dogs toe nails you are seeing the bottoms of his feet and would notice any broken toe nails. You might also notice any problems on the pads of his feet.
   While cleaning his ears you should notice any unusual smell or discharge indicating something your veterinarian should check.
   While clipping the body you are shortening his hair, making it easier to see his skin by simply stroking his hair backwards with your hand. You may notice dry skin, or red areas.
   While blow drying your dog you are actually separating the hair and looking directly at the skin. A time when you would notice puncture wounds, cuts and abrasions, foxtails and other stickers and also foreign travelers like fleas,ticks or lice.
   While you are grooming your puppy or mature dog, you are also teaching them. The more you teach your dog and praise your dog, the more well rounded he will become.
   When we are lifting their paws and moving them around we might notice if they are sore or perhaps getting arthritis.
   When we look at our pets we see our furry friends but if we look closer we may see much more that relates to the health of our dogs.

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