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The Afghan Hound is a very elegant breed with a good nature. Brushing should be done on a daily basis. Information about the Afghan can be found at .
The Airedale Terrier can be strong willed. The wiry coat requires regular brushing and grooming every 6-8 weeks. More often if knots start before that period. You can find information on them at
The Akita Inu is a beautiful dog. They require regular brushing and grooming to remove their shedding under coat. A good resource for information on them is at
The Alaskan Malamute can grow to be very large. They require regular brushing and grooming to remove their shedding under coat. Information on the breed can be found at
The American Eskimos are a medium sized dog and great information on them can be found at They require regular brushing and grooming to remove their shedding under coat.
The Australian Shepherd is a very smart, loving dog. They require regular grooming and brushing, especially around their haunches, chest and neck. For more information go to
The Basenji is a medium size dog that is bark less, yes that's right, bark less. Their maintenance is minimal, but should include a regular bath. At you will find out more information on the breed.
The Basset Hounds can whine a bit but make up for it in personality. Their maintenance is minimal, attention should be taken to keep their ears clean both inside and out. is a good resource for information.
The Beagle is a nice breed. Their ears should be kept clean and they should receive regular baths. Information on them can be found at
The Bearded Collie is a beautiful large dog. They require regular grooming and brushing, especially where the hair is the longest. Find information on them at
The Bedlington Terrier is an interesting looking dog and makes a good companion. They require grooming about every 6-8 weeks, more often if they start getting knots. Go to for more information about this happy breed.
The Bernese Mountain Dog is a good natured large breed dog. They require regular brushing and grooming to remove the shedding under coat. Information about them can be found at .
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The Bichon Frise is a good dog for people with allergies. They usually have an independent attitude. They require regular brushing and grooming every 4-6 weeks, more often if they begin to get knots. Here is a resource for information on them at
The Bloodhound is a great breed. They are usually affectionate and make good family dogs. They should get regular baths. Their ears require frequent cleaning both inside and out. More information can be found .
The Blue Heeler also called the Queensland Heeler makes a good cattle dog. They can sometimes become one person dogs so socialize and train them. Regular grooming to remove the shedding under coat is necessary. Find information about them at
The Border Collies are a very intelligent herder. They have been known to herd small children. They require regular brushing and grooming to remove the under coat. Information on them can be found at .
The Boston Terrier is a happy, energetic little dog. They make good family dogs. Very low maintenance for grooming. Find out more about the at .
The Boxer is a nice breed and makes a good family dog. A regular bath and their good to go. For more information on boxer dogs go
to dogbreedindex.
The Brittany Spaniel is a good hunting dog. Training and socializing are important and rewarding because they are an intelligent breed. They require regular grooming. For more information go to
The Brussels Griffon is an unusual looking small dog. They are often shy but very playful. They should be groomed every 6-8 weeks, more often if they get knotted. Go to for more info.
The Bulldog is usually a very friendly dog. As with any dog, they should be bathed regularly. At you can find out more.
The Cairn Terriers are usually nice dogs with a little terrier attitude. They make good watch dogs. They should be brushed regularly. They should be groomed every 6-8 weeks, more often if needed. For more information go to
The Chesapeake Bay Retriever is a good bird dog. A regular bath to remove the shedding under coat is required. More information can be found at .
The Chinese Crested is a small dog that is hairless except on his head, lower legs and tail. Brushing the long hair, what little their is, is required along with regular bathes. Find out more about them at
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The Chow Chow is a large dog that with good breeding and training can make a good companion. They should be taught to be brushed at a very young age. Regular brushing and grooming are required to remove the shedding under coat. A good resource for information about them is at
The Clumber Spaniel is usually a gentle layed back dog. Regular bathing is required. Information about them can be found at .
The Cockapoo is a mix between the Poodle and the Cocker Spaniel. Usually a small dog with an energetic personality. They usually require grooming every 6-8 weeks. More often if necessary. Learn more at .
The Cocker Spaniels are a popular breed. With socializing and training they make very sensitive companions. They require regular brushing and grooming about every 6-8 weeks, more often if necessary. is a good source for information on all colors and breeds of Cocker Spaniel.
The Collie is a wonderful large dog. Regular brushing and grooming are required to remove the under coat. Find out more at .
The Corgi is a small breed dog that thinks he is a large breed dog. Grooming to remove the shedding under coat is required. More information about them can be found at .
The Coonhound is another good hunting dog. It specializes in tracking and treeing it's quarry. A regular bath is what they need. Find more information about them at
The Dachshund is an easy maintenance small dog. A soft brush to stimulate that coat and a regular bath are needed. For great information about them go to .
The Dalmations are fairly easy maintenance dogs. A regular bath and a sort brush to stimulate the coat and remove shedding hair is recommended. Go to for more information about the Dalmation.
The Dandie Dinmont Terrier is another interesting looking breed. They require regular grooming, every 6-8 weeks, more often if necessary. Learn out more about them at .
The Doberman Pinscher is an easy maintenance large breed dog. A soft brush to stimulate the coat and a regular bath are needed. Go to for excellent information about the breed.
The Elkhound (Norwegian Elkhound) is playful large breed. They require regular brushing and bathing to remove the shedding under coat. Find out more about them at .
The Wire Fox Terriers make a good small breed watch dog. They should be shown at an early age how to be brushed. They require brushing and grooming about every 6-8 weeks. More often if necessary. Go to for information about the Wire Fox Terrier.
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The German Shepherds make great companions. Their reputations precede them as far a being intimidating to bad doers. Regular brushing and bathing to remove the shedding under coat is needed. Here is a good resource for information on German Shepherds, .
The Golden Retrievers are wonderful dogs in general. The majority seem to love to hold something in their mouths, probably due to their retrieving nature. They require regular brushing and bathing to remove the under coat. Also pay attention to their ears inside and out. This web magazine contains lots of information on them, .
The Great Dane is a very large breed with a good personality. A very large tub for a bath and a soft brush to stimulate the coat is needed. is a good resource for information.
The Great Pyrenees is an extra large breed that usually has a relaxed attitude. Brushing should start at an early age. Brushing and bathing to remove the shedding under coat is advised. A great resource for information can be found at .
The Greyhound is a sweet large breed of dog. They make wonderful family dogs and I highly recommend the adoption of retired racing dogs. Use a soft brush to stimulate the coat and give them a regular bath. Great information about them can be found at .
The Irish Setter is another beautiful hunting dog. Regular brushing and bathing to remove shedding hair is needed. Great information about the breed can be found at .
The Irish Wolfhound is very, very large dog. A large tub and a bath now and then is required. Here is a place for more information about them, .
The Jack Russell Terrier is a energetic small breed. A soft brushing to stimulate the coat and regular baths are needed. To find out more about them go to .
The Keeshond is a fluffy, happy dog. Brushing should be taught at and early age and should be done regularly to remove the under coat and to keep their coats in good condition. Learn more at
The Kerry Blue Terrier is a large breed with a very distinguished look. They should be brushed regularly and groomed every 6-8 weeks, more often if necessary. Find out more about them at .
The Komondor is a very large dog with a corded coat. It's quite the job to groom a Komondor. Getting them used to being groomed at an early age is essential. More information about them can be found at .
The Kuvasz is a very large breed dog. Regular brushing to remove the under coat and stimulate the oils in the skin should be started at an early age. More information about them can be found at .
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The Labrador Retrievers are one of my favorite large breed dogs. In general they have gentle natures. They require brushing to stimulate the skin oils and regular baths. A good resource for information on them is at .
The Maltese is a small white dog. They are usually shy sweet dogs. They should be brushed regularly and groomed every 6-8 weeks, more often if necessary. Information about them can be found at .
The Mastiff is a very large muscular dog with a gentle nature. A good resource for information about the breed can be found at .
The Miniature Pinscher is a low maintenance small dog. Find out more about the breed at .
The Newfoundland is an extra large dog with a relaxed attitude. They should be taught at an early age to be brushed. Regular brushing is required to remove the shedding under coat and to keep the coat know free. Learn more about them at .
The Norfolk Terrier is a small Terrier with lots of energy. They should be brushed regularly and groomed every 6-8 weeks, more often if needed. More about them at .
The Norwegian Elkhound is a large breed of dog. Regular brushing is required to remove the shedding under coat. Information about them can be found at .
The Old English Sheep Dog is a large dog with an all around good personality. Brushing should be done on a regular basis. A good resource for information on them is at
The Papillon is a fun small breed dog. With training and socializing they make good family dogs. They should be brushed regularly. Find out more about them at .
The Pekingese is a wonderful fun loving dog. They should be brushed on a regular basis. Go to for more information on them.
The Pit Bull Terrier is a great dog if trained and socialized properly. Go to for more information on them.
The Pomeranians are a fluffy small dog that believes it is not small. They should learn about brushing at a young age and should be brushed regularly. Check out this web site at for more information.
The Poodles are a popular breed for dog lovers with allergies. They should be brushed on a regular basis and should be groomed every 4-8 weeks, depending on the haircut and condition of the coat. At you can find information about the breed.
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The Portuguese Water Dog is another interesting looking large breed. At you can find information about this hunting breed.
The Pugs are perpetual puppies and my favorite small breed dog. You can find good information on them at .
The Rhodesian Ridgeback is a great large breed. You can find information about them at .
The Rottweiler is a large breed that with training and socializing usually makes a good pet. is a place to go for more information.
The Saint Bernard is an extra large dog that with proper breeding and training makes a great companion. They should be taught to be brushed at an early age. Brushing on a regular basis is needed to remove the under coat and prevent knotting. Find out more about them at .
The Samoyed is a large dog that with training makes a good family pet. Teaching them to be brushed is important at an early age. Regular brushing to remove the under coat is necessary. Go to for more information.
The Schipperke is a small breed that with good training makes a great companion. Learn more at .
The Schnauzers make good watch dogs. With proper training and socializing they are great companions. Brushing often and grooming every 6-8 weeks in required, more often if needed. Here is a web site with further information, .
The Scottish Terrier (Scottie) is a small dog that may not get along with other dogs if not socialized. Like most Terriers they make good watch dogs. Start brushing them at an early age. Regular brushing and grooming every 6-8 weeks is necessary, more often if needed. Information about them is at .
The Shar-Pei is a medium size dog. Most have gentle natures but need socializing and training. is a good place to go for more information.
The Shih-Tzu is a very popular small breed. Quality breeding results in a great pet. Regular brushing and grooming every 6-8 weeks is required, more often if needed. Information about the breed can be found at .
The Siberian Husky is a beautiful large dog that loves to be vocal. Great if you live in the snowy mountains. Brushing to remove the shedding under coat is needed. A resource for information can be found at .
The Silky Terrier is a sweet small breed. Brushing and regular grooming is required. Learn more at Petsworld .
The Skye Terrier is a medium size dog that with socializing and training makes a good companion. They should be brushed and groomed every 6-8 weeks, more often if needed. At you can find out more.
The Springer Spaniels usually make good bird dogs. They have a tendency to want to run the household so training is important. Keeping the long hair brushed to prevent knots is important. At you can find more information on the breed.
The Tibetan Terrier is a medium size dog. They require regular brushing and grooming every 6-8 weeks, more often as needed. Go to for more information on the breed.
The Vizsla is a low maintenance med-large dog with a happy personality and lots of energy. Find out more about them at
The Water Spaniel is another good hunting dog. Regular brushing on feathers and bathing is required. Find information at .
The Weimaraner is a low maintenance large dog. They usually have sweet dispositions. Learn more about them at .
The West Highland Terrier is a small breed that with socializing and training makes a good all around dog. Start brushing at an early age. They need brushing often and grooming every 6-8 weeks, more often if needed. You can learn more about them at .
The Wheaten Terrier is a nice medium size dog. Regular brushing and grooming every 6-8 weeks is needed, more often if necessary. Go to K9 Research Lab for more information on the breed.
The Whippet is a low maintenance dog with a nice personality. A good resource for them is at
The Yorkshire Terriers are a fun breed of dog. Start brushing at an early age. They should be groomed on a regular basis and brushed often. A good source of information about them is at .
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